Advanced Higher

Reading Assignment:
Chaucer: The Prologue and Three Tales (green book) pp. 110-142 (NPT), 163-195, 203-207, 208-214
Chaucer's Translation of the Fourteenth Century

Nun's Priest's Tale (NPT)
The Canterbury Tales VI: The Nun's Priest's Tale
The Structure of Comedy in The Nun's Priest's Tale - David Cope
Patterns of Fractured Discourse in Chaucer's Nun's Priest's Tale - Brother Anthony
Geoffrey Chaucer : an overall survey - Brother Anthony
Sparknotes 'Canterbury Tales' section on the Nun's Priest's Tale (you will have read this already, but here it is again, if you missed it).
Source material for NPT is relatively easy to find, but here's a start for you: Marie de France’s Fable : The Cock And The Fox

Essay Question
Question: In The Nun’s Priest’s Prologue, the Host calls on the Nun’s Priest to “telle us swich thyng as may oure hertes glade”.  How effectively does Chaucer make The Nun’s Priest’s Tale one that “may oure hertes glade”?

Reading Assignment(s) for 07-11 Feb:

Article from D.S. Brewer's Chaucer (waiting on photocopying, will be with you soon)
Sparknotes 'Canterbury Tales' section on the Nun's Priest's Tale

Essay: 7th February 2011

Question: With reference to the General Prologue and to either or both of the specified Canterbury Tales, illustrate what you consider to be the subtlety of Chaucer's characterisation.

Reading Assignment(s) for 31st Jan-04 Feb

Green book (Chaucer: The Prologue and Three Tales): pages 192-193 'The Pardoner'; 195-201 'The Pardoner's Prologue and Tale'

Article from D.S. Brewer's Chaucer (waiting on photocopying, will be with you soon)
NAB resit date: TBA (in about three weeks' time, in all probability)

Links: Sparknotes 'Canterbury Tales'


  1. Question about the current essay question: can the positioning of the Pardoner, in the procession of pilgrims be seen as a "subtle" hint of something untoward about his nature?

    As someone who works for the church, can we assume that he "should" be grouped with the other clergy ie Monk, Prioress, Friar.

    Scott S6

  2. Hi Scott,
    Yes, I think you could include his position in the procession as evidence. You might also consider whether the others should be higher up... but look again very closely at their positions before making any broad statements.
    Mr Green

  3. Brainteaser:

    Is it 7?

    brother 1
    sister 4

  4. New Riddle. answer is Zero.
    I told you on Monday so I believe a promotion is in order, a teacher isn't allowed to win :)

  5. You're forgetting, Scott, that I make the rules here!
    The answer is zero, yes, although there is another one suggested by one of my 3rd years which works very well...

  6. Riddle:

    You are a glove. :D

  7. Thank you for the star Mr. Green! :D

  8. Is the riddle answer the letter D?

  9. Hello Sir, doing the question:
    "Discuss the principal means by which, in the General Prologue and in either or both of the specified tales Chacuer exposes the "Sin of Pryde"

    Looked at it at first and wrote an essay which just involes the Nuns Priests tale but do I also need to talk about another character in this question?

  10. Hi Greg,
    I responded from my phone, but this didn't update, it seems! Look at the question--it says 'either or both'. Now, for an exam response, if you've just dealt with one, that's fine, but doesn't show your skill at dealing with all of the text. For a practice essay, you might want to explore both tales, or even deal with them in two separate essays.
    It suddenly occurs to me that I'm not sure what you mean by another character--again, look at the question: it asks you to deal with GP. So how have you dealt with that? After all, NP is not described...

  11. An idea about the first riddle, is the answer tulips? (two lips)

  12. Yes, Ross, you got it again! Well done!
