Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Don't know what to read?

I've been asking a lot of you what you're reading right now, or what you've read recently. The answers have been rather alarming, ranging from 'nothing--I never read' to 'I think I read a novel in my last English class...' to 'I only read the TV listings on Sky'. Now, that's not quite right, is it!? Some of you are reading, and you read a wide variety of things: magazines (of varying quality!), newspapers, websites, and of course books. ALL reading is good. For those of you aspiring to be excellent communicators, or wanting to achieve a great grade at Int 2, Higher and beyond, however, you really need to think about changing your reading habits. Start reading! Reading quality texts regularly (this means broadsheet newspapers, some magazines, and any good literature) helps in all sorts of ways--it's like secret learning which isn't as painful as a bad grammar lesson!

Why read? Consider this:

Prof. A.C. Grayling, in a review of ‘A History of Reading by Alberto Manguel’ that was published in Financial Times had said, "To read is to fly: it is to soar to a point of vantage which gives a view over wide terrains of history, human variety, ideas, shared experience and the fruits of many inquiries." So true! Reading is really like taking a flight to high altitudes in pursuit of information and knowledge. It is a journey in search of enlightenment.

Have you asked yourself the question, "Why is reading important?" What was the answer that you got? I am sure your heart must have answered in favor of reading. Reading is like providing the mind with nourishment. Knowledge is the food for the mind and soul. Apart from giving us the basic information about the world around us, it also provides us with the food for thought. It encourages us to think. It increases our hunger for knowledge and our thirst to learn more.

During the ancient times, reading was limited to books. But today, it encompasses reading on the web. We have some very good sites providing their readers with authentic information. Reading from the Internet is an easy option for one and all. Reading from the web does not undermine the pleasure one can get from reading books.
Manali Oak

Here are a couple of links to whet your appetite:

1. Best Books 4 Teens
2. Goodreads

Remember, you should be reading a little (or more!) every day.

"Reading, like no other medium, can transform your life in a flash, and you never know which book, at which time in your life, might be the one that rocks your world and inspires you to grow in ways you never thought possible."
---Burke Hedges.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

What are you reading?

To the guys, initially:

Just wondering... what are the lads reading? Read anything decent lately (and by lately, I mean, ever)?
Don't worry, I'll be asking the girls too!
Let me know--what magazines are you reading, what books, newspapers, websites, anything at all which you read. Either post a comment here below, or send me an email. Either is fine.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Magazine update

Interviews were held today for the post of Editors-in-Chief.

Congratulations to:

Frank F.
Lauren M.

A big thank you from myself and Miss O'Boyle to all those who gave it a go! You all did well, and we hope you learned something from the experience. We also hope that you will all participate in another part of the magazine, taking responsibility for a section which is also of interest to you. Remember, ALL the posts, right down to Staff Writers, are really very important.

We unfortunately ran out of time for Director interviews, so these will be held tomorrow at lunchtime.

We anticipate that Editorial and Managerial posts will be sorted out on Friday after school, between 2 and 3pm. Any problems, just come see me.

Once again, well done, everyone! We're really proud of you all for your maturity, enthusiasm and dedication.