Thursday, 22 March 2012

Spring Equinox


Daffodils are seen in St James's Park in London

Exam dates

Get revising, everyone!

S4 Study Leave begins 23rd April
S5/6 Study Leave begins 4th May

Standard Grade: 26th April 
Intermediate 1: 16th May
Higher: 17th May

Intermediate and Higher folios go to the SQA shortly after the Easter Holiday, so be prepared to redraft during this time.

Monday, 5 March 2012

S4 Cinema trip permission letter

Hello lovely S4,
I hope you all got a copy of the permission letter (below).
If you didn't, please get this signed and bring in your £9 for Tuesday.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Woman in Black trip

Dear S4: I'm still finalising the trip for next Wednesday, and hope to do so in the next couple of hours. Your permission letter should be up by late evening (the school's servers are still not completely sorted out for Websense, so I can't get into slideshare to upload the letter), and should be printed/returned for Monday, please. I will post again when it's uploaded.
See you Monday!

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Int 1 Homework

Homework due 2nd March (tomorrow!)

Complete your persuasive essays (remember these can take the form of a letter if that'll help you imagine your audience).