Thursday, 28 November 2013

Intermediate 1 Night Homework

Complete up to end of chapter 4 in quotes sheet. Identify themes/symbols and give a brief comment about HOW the quote addresses these.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

S2 Tea... moving on

Just a quick note to the S2 guys--TeaPigs wrote back saying they'd send us some samples to try out. They win first prize for quick response! What a result. Tetley have also been in touch to say they'd send something. So now we wait...

Do you have suggestions for companies we might approach? I have contacted:

- TeaPigs
- Tetley
- Edinburgh Tea and Coffee Company
- Clipper
- Twinings
- Whittard

We will of course (and you probably saw this coming) be writing thank you letters to any company which chooses to send us goodies (hey, it's an English class, remember? Besides, it's the gentlemanly thing to do.)


And an update: Clipper said no, but The London Tea Company have said yes. The next fun thing will be finding out what each company has chosen to send us. It'll be like... Christmas!

Int 1 Key Words (Spelling!)

Here are the key words we came up with today. Make sure you can spell them all (or you'll look pretty silly on the exam).

Madame Shachter
concentration camp
forest of Galicia
Elie Wiesel
Moche the beadle

Friday, 22 November 2013


This week we have begun using ClassDojo to help improve focus and to promote excellent work and behaviours. We are focusing in the coming weeks not only on staying on task and participating, but also on the school values: Respect, Responsibility, Honesty and Determination.

You can track your own progress with a student account--you need a 'secret code' for this, which I am providing you. If you haven't received yours, please ask. You can also invite your parents/guardians to track your progress with you. You can either invite them by email or give them the parents' 'secret code' on your ClassDojo sheet.

If that's not exciting enough, you can also track yourself on your phone (or your parent/guardian can!). Just look up ClassDojo in the Play Store for Android, or the App Store for iPhone. Please note, however, that I have had one report so far that the iPhone app for students is not functioning. The parent one is, though.

Why have a student account? Well, once you are fully signed up, you can customise your monster. How cool is that? And more importantly, you can keep track of your own progress.

The website to login as a student is:

We'll trial this until the end of this term. As always, please do let me know what you think, either in person or here in the comments. Make sure you say your first name and what year you're in so I can give you a more specific response.


S2 Tea Planning

The S2 boys have been working hard to help plan their learning journey for our next topic...

Szymon and Bartek also experimented with using the 'comments' feature to post some questions they had:
where did it come from?
history/how did it start ?
why pepole like tea than cofe?
when pepole drink it?
how is it made?
how does it grow?
how do you harvest?
were do you drink it (country)?
how could you use it?
is tea inportant to us?

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

S2 Tea Topic

Today, we had our first introduction to our next topic: Tea.

You were asked at the end of the mini-video I prepared: What would you like to know about tea?

Please feel free to comment with areas you are interested in below. For example, I thought it would be interesting to look at some of the following topics:

  • the chemistry of tea
  • tea in history
  • different types of tea
  • health
  • tasting!
What else can you think of?

S2 Final Projects Due date

As agreed by the class, we will have tomorrow and one more Wednesday to work on the final projects for Underground to Canada.

It is expected that you will continue to work on this at home (yes, that's HOMEWORK).

Final due date is 27th November.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

S2 Homework

By next Wednesday, you should have a set of notes and a rough plan of how you will complete your chosen task.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Int 1, 2 and Higher NAB REMINDER

Just a reminder to all S5/6 pupils sitting Int 1-Higher.

Your NAB dates are as follows:

11 November  Textual Analysis (12 November for offset)
25 November  Close Reading (26 November for offset)

S2 Underground to Canada

Final activity choices:

1. Write a review of Underground to Canada for people your age

2. Go back in time.
Visit and follow in the footsteps of a slave... then complete the story at the end.

3. Research an aspect or type of slavery (historical or modern). Write an essay discussing this topic.

4. Pick your fave abolitionist! Research one of the following, and write a brief biography.
- Alexander Ross - Frederick Douglass
- Levi Coffin - Henry Ward Beecher
- Harriet Tubman - Sojourner Truth
- William Lloyd - Wendell Phillips

5. Your own choice--have an idea? Clear it with me first.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Int1 Chapter One Questions

You are responsible for one of the following questions (as assigned in class--remember your number!)

1. Describe Moche the Beadle. Explain his relationship with the Jews of Sighet, particularly Eliezer.
2. How does deportation change Moche? How do others' feelings towards him change?
3. Why are spirits among the Jews of Sighet relatively high at the beginning of Night?
4. Describe life in the Sighet ghettos.
5. Explain the opportunities for escape that the Wiesels miss before evacuation.

Write a full answer to share with your group and present to the class tomorrow.

Friday, 1 November 2013

S3 Goodreads Accounts

All of you should have signed up for a account by now. If you haven't, do it now! Then add me (use

You will be asked to rate 20 books you have read--these can be from all the way back in Primary school!

Any big problems, come see me during the week.