Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Friday, 13 December 2013

Intermediate 1 Homework (due Monday)

You were asked yesterday to complete one paragraph of your essays about sympathy for today's lesson. Your task for Monday is to complete the second. Make sure you work with your 'burger plans' and your notes on theme/symbolism!

Please ensure also that you have completed the webquest and bring it with you Monday.

S1 Holiday Homework

Having viewed some wonderful presentations on the topic of slavery, we are now launching into the book Underground to Canada. Your homework for over the holidays is to finish reading the book. You have had some class time for this already, and you will have a little more next week--use it wisely! As you will know, you should be reading for at least 15 minutes every night. Why not make it Underground to Canada?

I hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Intermediate 1 Webquest

UPDATE: due to the power outages/weather issues, many of you were unable to complete the webquest. The deadline for completion is now Monday 9th December.

Night is concerned with Elie Wiesel's experience of the Holocaust. In class yesterday, we identified a major gap in the class's knowledge of one of the central features of the book: Judaism! Today we began rectifying that by starting a webquest.

Here is the link to the site Holocaust and Human Behaviour: What is Judaism?

You are to complete the webquest for Thursday's lesson.

Remember: Use your own words!