Wednesday, 10 December 2014

N5 War Photographer

We finished our initial study of Duffy's 'War Photographer' today, and looked at a short interview with Don McCullin, one of the photographers from whom Duffy drew inspiration when writing her poem.

Here is another documentary about Don McCullin and war photography--it is absolutely fantastic and will help consolidate understanding of the poem and its message:

BBC Imagine: McCullin

Great work so far, everyone!

Monday, 8 December 2014

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

We Are Writers--Last Chance to Order!

Hi everyone,

Thanks for all your hard work in making the school book possible. I'm sure you are all as impressed as I am by the quality and breadth of the work in our beautiful publication. Remember that it's in the Library and anyone can take a look at the sample copy. Nearly 500 of you, yes, FIVE HUNDRED (!) contributed, and you each have your own chapter.

It's your LAST CHANCE to get your order in--orders are due tomorrow, Wednesday 3rd December. We need to order right away so that the books will arrive in time for Christmas. Be a part of the action!

You can find a copy of the order form here:

If you don't have a printer, don't worry! You can always bring your £5.99 in and fill in the order form at school.

Thank you,
Mr Green