Hello Nat 5s,
You might find the following useful as you work through the play:
BBC Macbeth
1978 Macbeth Ian McKellen and Judi Dench
No Fear Shakespeare--Macbeth (translation)
Mr Green's online space for his classes at Dingwall Academy, from S1 to Advanced Higher.
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
Thursday, 12 November 2015
National 5 Mindfulness/Dealing with your work and study time
Hi everyone,
As promised, here are a few links and apps (more to come when I can grab a moment!) which might interest you.
Mindful Schools--scroll all the way to the bottom for the videos
Wildmind--Guided Breathing
Apps (these are all from Play Store for Android devices):
Organising yourself:
Timetable (a timetabling tool for your phone)
Stop, Breathe & Think
Free Your Mind
Buddhify (a really neat 'colour wheel' selector for how you are feeling)
There are many, many more. I will try to add to this list, but if you find others (links or apps) which are useful, let me know in person, in the comments below, or by email.
As promised, here are a few links and apps (more to come when I can grab a moment!) which might interest you.
Mindful Schools--scroll all the way to the bottom for the videos
Wildmind--Guided Breathing
Apps (these are all from Play Store for Android devices):
Organising yourself:
Timetable (a timetabling tool for your phone)
Stop, Breathe & Think
Free Your Mind
Buddhify (a really neat 'colour wheel' selector for how you are feeling)
There are many, many more. I will try to add to this list, but if you find others (links or apps) which are useful, let me know in person, in the comments below, or by email.
National 5 English Homework--November/December 2015
16 Nov
questions for Acts 1 & 2
War Photographer (re-read/begin to
Read newspaper articles
Check you have completed: Adventure, Reflective, Poem
23 Nov
questions for Acts 3 & 4
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and think about)
Read newspaper articles
Complete any outstanding
30 Nov
questions for Act 5
and think about)
Paper 1
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Choose a topic for your
discursive essay
7 Dec
S4 Contact Evening 10th Dec
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Mrs Midas
and think about)
Read newspaper articles
Begin researching topic
14 Dec
Revise all 4 poems
Paper 2
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Make notes on topic
Essay on either The
Lottery or Macbeth
Practice Paper 1
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Practice Paper 3
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jotter/notes ahead of prelim
Thursday, 5 November 2015
Calling all Writers! Free Workshop Opportunity at Dingwall Academy
Cynthia Rogerson (in association with the ever-fantastic Moniack Mhor) is leading THREE creative writing sessions for S1-6. Booking is encouraged so appropriate space can be provided. The workshops are as follows:
Exploring Theme, 25 Nov -- http://www.moniackmhor.org.uk/courses/finding-the-right-words-writing-workshop-with-cynthia-rogerson-4/
Finding Your Voice, 2 Dec -- http://www.moniackmhor.org.uk/courses/finding-the-right-words-writing-workshop-with-cynthia-rogerson-5/
Getting Started, 11 Nov -- http://www.moniackmhor.org.uk/courses/finding-the-right-words-writing-workshop-with-cynthia-rogerson-3/
Exploring Theme, 25 Nov -- http://www.moniackmhor.org.uk/courses/finding-the-right-words-writing-workshop-with-cynthia-rogerson-4/
Finding Your Voice, 2 Dec -- http://www.moniackmhor.org.uk/courses/finding-the-right-words-writing-workshop-with-cynthia-rogerson-5/
All take place after school in the library.
Any pupil interested in developing their writing further is more than welcome to attend. We would especially encourage those who are preparing folios to come along, as you will undoubtedly find that the tips and techniques Cynthia can offer you as a published writer will help earn you valuable marks, and perhaps even feel more in control of your writing.
A little more about Cynthia:
"Prizewinning author Cynthia Rogerson writes mainstream literary fiction, set in Scotland andCalifornia . She is the author of four novels and a collection of short stories. Her stories have also appeared in numerous anthologies, been broadcast on BBC radio, and been translated into eight languages.
She won the V.S.Pritchett Prize in 2008, and her work has been short-listed for Best Scottish Novel 2011, and serialised on Women’s Hour.
She is Program Director at Moniack Mhor Writers Centre, as well as a Royal Literary Fellow in Dundee and a manuscript assessor for The Literary Consultancy. Originally from San Francisco, she has been based in theScottish Highlands since 1985 and lives with her husband and hens near Inverness."
"Prizewinning author Cynthia Rogerson writes mainstream literary fiction, set in Scotland and
She won the V.S.Pritchett Prize in 2008, and her work has been short-listed for Best Scottish Novel 2011, and serialised on Women’s Hour.
She is Program Director at Moniack Mhor Writers Centre, as well as a Royal Literary Fellow in Dundee and a manuscript assessor for The Literary Consultancy. Originally from San Francisco, she has been based in theScottish Highlands since 1985 and lives with her husband and hens near Inverness."
Learn more at her site: www.cynthiarogerson.com
We are so lucky! Reserve your place now!
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
National 5 Creative Writing Homework
Just a reminder: your first drafts of adventure stories are due (no excuses!) on Monday 14th September. This is an absolute must, as you will be working with your stories in class.
Great Big Scary World
Here is the link to Great Big Scary World (http://www.greatbigscaryworld.com/), which we spoke about in classes yesterday and today.
Check it out!
Check it out!
Friday, 4 September 2015
The Lottery
Here are the links to The Lottery on YouTube:
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIm93Xuij7k
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMhV3fwx5Sg
The same thing on Vimeo:
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIm93Xuij7k
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMhV3fwx5Sg
The same thing on Vimeo:
Lessons from Auschwitz
Hi S6,
Mrs Cormack drew the names, so without further ado:
Congratulations (and sorry to the other two! Wish we could have sent all of you).
Edinburgh dates:
Sun 20 Sept 1-5pm Seminar
Wed 30 Sept all day visit to Auschwitz
Tues 6th Oct 3-6:30pm Seminar
You must be able to do all three dates.
I'll meet with you next week.
Mrs Cormack drew the names, so without further ado:
Congratulations (and sorry to the other two! Wish we could have sent all of you).
Edinburgh dates:
Sun 20 Sept 1-5pm Seminar
Wed 30 Sept all day visit to Auschwitz
Tues 6th Oct 3-6:30pm Seminar
You must be able to do all three dates.
I'll meet with you next week.
Friday, 26 June 2015
£5000 to be won for Dingwall Academy!
Hi everyone,
I'd really appreciate it if you could have a go at entering this prize draw: £5000 of National Book Tokens, which could see our school library much boosted with the authors you love to read. It only takes a moment to enter, and it's free.
Even better, you could win £100 of book tokens for yourself! What's not to like!?
Thanks very much for entering :)
I'd really appreciate it if you could have a go at entering this prize draw: £5000 of National Book Tokens, which could see our school library much boosted with the authors you love to read. It only takes a moment to enter, and it's free.
Even better, you could win £100 of book tokens for yourself! What's not to like!?
Thanks very much for entering :)
Thursday, 18 June 2015
Nat 5 Homework... TRY AGAIN!
Some of you slipped up with your homework this week... or didn't do it at all. Just to remind you: National 5 is tough. You do need to put in the work, and any homework issued is not just for the sake of giving you homework. Think of it as directed study. This directed study follows on from, and leads on to, work in the classroom, and it's compulsory for success. The more work you put into it, the better your grade at the end of the year (and trust me... it matters!).
So to recap: see your homework below. If you haven't done it/ the dog ate it/ you succumbed to an isolated freak outbreak of alien flu... do it now, and have it done for Monday's class.
So to recap: see your homework below. If you haven't done it/ the dog ate it/ you succumbed to an isolated freak outbreak of alien flu... do it now, and have it done for Monday's class.
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
National 5 RUAE Homework
Find a newspaper article on a topic of your choice. It should be from a quality newspaper such as The Guardian, Independent, Scotsman, Herald, Times etc.
Read the article (of course!).
Highlight any unfamiliar words.
Put 3 sentences into your own words.
Due Thursday (tomorrow!)
Read the article (of course!).
Highlight any unfamiliar words.
Put 3 sentences into your own words.
Due Thursday (tomorrow!)
Thursday, 11 June 2015
National 5 Homework
First, welcome to National 5! I am so pleased with how well you are all doing so far. Keep up the good work, and you will all succeed.
Now to the realities of National 5: there is a lot of hard work; there is homework; there are exams and assessments. There are also a lot of exciting things to discover--new poems and stories, discussions, talks, vocabulary... and much more.
First homework:
Complete the first (likely very rough) draft of your personal reflective piece. If you wish, you may type this out now, as it could save you time in the future.
Due: Monday--no excuses!
Now to the realities of National 5: there is a lot of hard work; there is homework; there are exams and assessments. There are also a lot of exciting things to discover--new poems and stories, discussions, talks, vocabulary... and much more.
First homework:
Complete the first (likely very rough) draft of your personal reflective piece. If you wish, you may type this out now, as it could save you time in the future.
Due: Monday--no excuses!
Thursday, 2 April 2015
S2 and S3 Holiday Homework
Hurray! It's the holidays (nearly)!
You have ONE job to do for English over the holidays. To wrap up our work on The Machine Gunners, you need to research and prepare a short talk (3 minutes-ish) on any aspect of the Second World War which interests you.
The possibilities are nearly endless:
You have ONE job to do for English over the holidays. To wrap up our work on The Machine Gunners, you need to research and prepare a short talk (3 minutes-ish) on any aspect of the Second World War which interests you.
The possibilities are nearly endless:
- How the war began and ended
- Medals and honours
- Women at war
- Allies and Axis
- Collective efforts on the Home Front
- Children's experiences
- Hitler
- Soldiers' experiences
- Dig for Victory
- Home Guard
- Gas masks
- Any aspect of Army/Navy/Air Force
- Holocaust
- WW2 fashion
- Atomic bomb
- Shelters
- How people in Scotland experienced the war...
The list could go on and on...
If you don't have PowerPoint at home for pictures, that's fine. You are mainly being assessed on your ability to speak to a group. If you are more comfortable working with pictures (remember, there should not be a lot of text up there!), you could try using Prezi (prezi.com), which is just as easy, but a step up from a PowerPoint.
So in summary: prepare a talk which you will be able to deliver from 20th April.
I'm really looking forward to what you all come up with!
Have a lovely holiday :)
National 5 Holiday Revision
Hi everyone,
The next two weeks (and beyond) are crucial to your success. Don't let it slip now! It's important that you remember to have plenty of rest and to eat and sleep healthily, but it's also important that you revise. Little and often is probably best here. Remember that we have spent the past year working on a vast number of skills and a great deal of content. These all need to be revised, and trying to do it the night before the exam just won't give you the results you're looking for.
To that end:
1. Revise all of Duffy's poetry. You have the responsibility to present one of these to your group when you return, and of course you will have further help revising from me and the other members of your group. But you still need to know them all. Click HERE for a very useful PowerPoint which goes through all of the poems apart from Valentine. Below are the tasks (you are doing Task 1 now in preparation for Tasks 2 and 3 when you come back on the 20th. You can access the Prezi HERE):
2. Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth! Remember him? Gather your notes together, re-read the play. You can look at Shmoop for a little help, and you might consider watching one of the versions available on YouTube. Be careful with these, however, as they do not follow the plotlines exactly, and aren't a substitute for actually reading and knowing the play thoroughly.
3. The Lottery. Revise this by re-reading and reorganising your notes. You might also find it of use to work with the prose questions, taking time to plan responses. You will receive your essays back on the 20th. You already have some of the material, but you can Shmoop it too. There is also a version on YouTube (again, be careful with this, as any essay you write must be based on the text, not the film).
4. RUAE (Close Reading). Take some time to read the newspaper. Use your Nat4/5 textbook, which has that excellent section on Close Reading.
5. Finally, spend some time on BBC Bitesize. It's a fantastic resource--very clear--and has help for all aspects of the course and exam.
And that's about it!
I am so proud of how far you have all come this year, and I know you can achieve very well on the exam in May.
Have a lovely (and useful!) holiday, everyone. I will look forward to seeing you all back on the 20th, and hearing you present your poems to your groups. Work hard. It's worth it.
The next two weeks (and beyond) are crucial to your success. Don't let it slip now! It's important that you remember to have plenty of rest and to eat and sleep healthily, but it's also important that you revise. Little and often is probably best here. Remember that we have spent the past year working on a vast number of skills and a great deal of content. These all need to be revised, and trying to do it the night before the exam just won't give you the results you're looking for.
To that end:
1. Revise all of Duffy's poetry. You have the responsibility to present one of these to your group when you return, and of course you will have further help revising from me and the other members of your group. But you still need to know them all. Click HERE for a very useful PowerPoint which goes through all of the poems apart from Valentine. Below are the tasks (you are doing Task 1 now in preparation for Tasks 2 and 3 when you come back on the 20th. You can access the Prezi HERE):
2. Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth! Remember him? Gather your notes together, re-read the play. You can look at Shmoop for a little help, and you might consider watching one of the versions available on YouTube. Be careful with these, however, as they do not follow the plotlines exactly, and aren't a substitute for actually reading and knowing the play thoroughly.
3. The Lottery. Revise this by re-reading and reorganising your notes. You might also find it of use to work with the prose questions, taking time to plan responses. You will receive your essays back on the 20th. You already have some of the material, but you can Shmoop it too. There is also a version on YouTube (again, be careful with this, as any essay you write must be based on the text, not the film).
4. RUAE (Close Reading). Take some time to read the newspaper. Use your Nat4/5 textbook, which has that excellent section on Close Reading.
5. Finally, spend some time on BBC Bitesize. It's a fantastic resource--very clear--and has help for all aspects of the course and exam.
And that's about it!
I am so proud of how far you have all come this year, and I know you can achieve very well on the exam in May.
Have a lovely (and useful!) holiday, everyone. I will look forward to seeing you all back on the 20th, and hearing you present your poems to your groups. Work hard. It's worth it.
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
S1 Wall-E Persuasive Letter Task
Hi all,
HERE is the link to where we are so far with the task.
As promised, here is the link to the Persuasion Map: CLICK ME!
Remember, you only need to do the paper version, but if you would like to use the online version and print it out, that's fine. Just don't forget to bring it with you!
And below are the Success Criteria:
HERE is the link to where we are so far with the task.
As promised, here is the link to the Persuasion Map: CLICK ME!
Remember, you only need to do the paper version, but if you would like to use the online version and print it out, that's fine. Just don't forget to bring it with you!
And below are the Success Criteria:
Your piece should show that you
Use persuasive techniques to create
specific effects
Use punctuation to communicate
Use sentence structure to
communicate clearly
Use connectives to link your
Spell most of the words you use
Review and edit your work while writing to
ensure meaning and purpose
Write independently, to a length which suits
your purpose and audience
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
N5 Creative work
At the moment we are working on folios. More specifically, we are exploring the creative piece, working from a variety of prompts. We have spent some time working from a quotation, and have now moved to working from music. Next we will use images as prompts.
A number of the songs we have listened to (we have mostly worked with snippets) would benefit from more private listening. All of the songs we have accessed so far, including some of your suggestions (more on the way) are in my wittily titled YouTube playlist 'Writing Prompt Playlist'. You can find the channel in the bar to the right. Have a listen.
Whilst listening, you are listening out for thoughts, feelings, ideas, themes, characters, settings, moods, atmospheres, tones and symbols (not to mention imagery in general!) which might inspire your writing. This piece may be either poetry or prose, unlike the previous, which was to be prose.
Happy listening, everyone!
A number of the songs we have listened to (we have mostly worked with snippets) would benefit from more private listening. All of the songs we have accessed so far, including some of your suggestions (more on the way) are in my wittily titled YouTube playlist 'Writing Prompt Playlist'. You can find the channel in the bar to the right. Have a listen.
Whilst listening, you are listening out for thoughts, feelings, ideas, themes, characters, settings, moods, atmospheres, tones and symbols (not to mention imagery in general!) which might inspire your writing. This piece may be either poetry or prose, unlike the previous, which was to be prose.
Happy listening, everyone!
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