Friday, 26 June 2015

£5000 to be won for Dingwall Academy!

Hi everyone,

I'd really appreciate it if you could have a go at entering this prize draw: £5000 of National Book Tokens, which could see our school library much boosted with the authors you love to read. It only takes a moment to enter, and it's free.

Even better, you could win £100 of book tokens for yourself! What's not to like!?

Thanks very much  for entering :)

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Nat 5 Homework... TRY AGAIN!

Some of you slipped up with your homework this week... or didn't do it at all. Just to remind you: National 5 is tough. You do need to put in the work, and any homework issued is not just for the sake of giving you homework. Think of it as directed study. This directed study follows on from, and leads on to, work in the classroom, and it's compulsory for success. The more work you put into it, the better your grade at the end of the year (and trust me... it matters!).

So to recap: see your homework below. If you haven't done it/ the dog ate it/ you succumbed to an isolated freak outbreak of alien flu... do it now, and have it done for Monday's class.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

National 5 RUAE Homework

Find a newspaper article on a topic of your choice. It should be from a quality newspaper such as The Guardian, Independent, Scotsman, Herald, Times etc.

Read the article (of course!).

Highlight any unfamiliar words.

Put 3 sentences into your own words.

Due Thursday (tomorrow!)

Thursday, 11 June 2015

National 5 Homework

First, welcome to National 5! I am so pleased with how well you are all doing so far. Keep up the good work, and you will all succeed.

Now to the realities of National 5: there is a lot of hard work; there is homework; there are exams and assessments. There are also a lot of exciting things to discover--new poems and stories, discussions, talks, vocabulary... and much more.

First homework:

Complete the first (likely very rough) draft of your personal reflective piece. If you wish, you may type this out now, as it could save you time in the future. 

Due: Monday--no excuses!