Monday, 31 January 2011

When you have something to say...

Then say it! Please do comment, but please also tell me who you are! You don't need to use your full name. Here are some examples:

George S2
Jemima 4.6
X. Smith 1D
PR 3.2 (if you are certain that your initials aren't the same as someone else's in the class).

Letting me know who you are, and which class you're in, helps me to respond more effectively to your comments and queries.

Thanks, everyone!


  1. Hi Mr.Green we are trying to do the research homework but cant find any information about the topic.

  2. Hi Poppy and Fiona,
    Which topic are you doing?
    Unless I know that, I'm afraid I can't help you very much!
    All the best, Mr Green

  3. Kathryn M 3rd year2 February 2011 at 19:19

    Hi, I'm struggling with my introduction although I've attempted other parts of the essay but i know i can't do much without the intro because it has the topics to discuss. Could you give me any advice on how to start?

  4. Hi Kathryn, I'm struggling to remember which topic you had decided to do... I remember that you changed it, but I don't remember which one you chose in the end!

  5. Sorry i forgot to include that. It was the one discussing Dr. Roderigo Lopez's trial. No.5

  6. hey its PW third yeaar.
    how long does each blog post have to be? my first one only has 164 words. is that okaay? thaaanks

  7. Hi there,
    If you've managed to complete the first entry task in 164 words, that's fine! No minimum or maximum in force for this assignment.
